In June of 2022, the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY) released its report “Every Two Hours: A Special Report on Children and Youth Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence in Manitoba”.
Researchers examined the systemic response to young people exposed to police reported incidents of IPV in Manitoba. This included conducting interviews with young adults who were exposed to intimate partner violence in childhood. Consultation was undertaken with youth, service providers, experts, Elders, public bodies, First Nations and Metis government representatives.
The need to recognize children as victims of IPV and to address the impact of this trauma informed MACY’s 7 recommendations for change toward breaking intergenerational cycles of violence.
You can read the Every Two Hours Report here:
To give the report context, you might enjoy a helpful introductory video prepared by the Manitoba Advocate:
Here is the link to the web page for the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth if you would like to learn more about their work and supports available or would like to read other Special Reports: